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In late July 2023, the Ballance team lost a team member in a sudden and tragic accident. All who knew Wesley have been immensely impacted by his death. 

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients (Ballance) fertiliser SustaiN – which contains a urease inhibitor that significantly reduces the amount of ammonia released to the air, has now been registered by the Ministry of Primary Industries and is the first fertiliser in New Zealand to achieve this status.   

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The next generation of Ballance Agri-Nutrients specialists have arrived at the company’s national support centre to complete an intensive training programme via an eight-week internship. The six interns will be initially based in Mount Maunganui, then connect with a Ballance mentor anywhere from Northland to Otago, to experience everything from 4WD driver training to soil testing, creating nutrient management plans for Ballance customers and taking part in the Surfing for Farmers programme.

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients (Ballance), in conjunction with Plucks Engineering and Southwater, is developing an innovative dairy effluent management system designed to help farmers improve on-farm effluent practices and reduce environmental impact.

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients (Ballance) is in the final stages of testing an innovative, sector leading fertiliser technology developed to reduce parasite larvae on pasture. Conceived with scientists from AgResearch, it aims to address the growing issue of parasite resistance, a major challenge for New Zealand livestock farmers, by targeting the larvae that primarily reside on the pasture.

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The global success of our agriculture and horticulture sectors was built on the back of decades of great science coupled with the “can do” attitude of our farmers, growers and industry. But a recent study published in the New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research found that New Zealand’s pastures are declining in productivity growth

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The Dairy Women’s Network (DWN) is excited to announce the opening of nominations and applications for the prestigious 2025 Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year Award. This award celebrates outstanding women who have made significant contributions to the dairy sector.

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In late July 2023, the Ballance team lost a team member in a sudden and tragic accident. All of our team has been impacted by this death, particularly his immediate team and across the entire co-operative.

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The search is on to find the top Māori sheep and beef farm with entries now open for the 2025 Ahuwhenua Trophy competition. The competition is open to individual Māori farmers along with trusts and other entities around Aotearoa. Details on how to enter, including the judging criteria are on the Ahuwhenua Trophy website.

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A focus on maintaining the strength of the co-operative while providing lower market prices for New Zealand farmers and growers saw a year of consolidation for Ballance Agri-Nutrients.

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The BFEA is an annual awards programme run by the New Zealand Farm Environment Trust that embraces farmers and growers at every stage of their sustainability journey providing an opportunity to showcase, benchmark, and improve the environmental, social and economic sustainability of their operation.

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Communities across the nation need your support! Every drop of milk you can spare goes a long way. In fact, just one litre can provide four servings of dairy for a family in need! Donate your milk today through Meat the Need & Feed Out to help support over 100 food banks and community organisations across the country.

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We are calling for nominations for the upcoming Directors Election. Nominations are open for two shareholder elected directors, as Dacey Balle (Ward N, the North Island) and Cameron Henderson (Ward S, the South Island) will both retire by rotation this year. Both have advised their intention to re-stand for election.

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We are inviting applications for an Associate Director to join our Ballance Board of Directors for a 15-month term.

With this Associate Director role, we are offering a development opportunity to grow your knowledge and experience in one of New Zealand’s leading primary sector organisations.

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Entries are open in the 2024 Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards giving those who work within the sheep and beef industry the opportunity to shine a light on their local heroes.

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Waikato herd health veterinarian Katrina Roberts was announced the winner of the 2024 Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year at the Dairy Women’s Network gala dinner in New Plymouth last week. Katrina was recognised for her outstanding passion and advocacy for the dairy industry.

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Entries to select the top Māori dairy farm for the prestigious Ahuwhenua Trophy competition are being invited from all Māori dairy farmers, trusts and other entities around the country.

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Nominations for the 2024 Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year award are open, marking the 13th year of the award.

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This year’s NZ Co-op Awards was an acknowledgement and celebration of Ballance Agri-Nutrients (Ballance) longtime and former CEO, Mark Wynne, who was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award.

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The 2023 Annual Meeting was held on Wednesday 27th September 2023. Click here to view a recording of the meeting and the results of the resolutions.

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Dani Darke has been re-elected as the Director for the North Ward and Jared Collie has been elected as Director for South Ward on the Board of Ballance Agri-Nutrients. Jared replaces Andrew Morrison who is stepping down at the co-operative’s 2023 annual meeting next week after more than twelve years on the Board.

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In a year of unprecedented challenges, which has seen global fertiliser prices fluctuate, the market is finally starting to return to pre-pandemic levels. Ballance, as a farmer and grower-owned co-operative, is committed to providing affordable nutrients for the coming season.

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Kelvin Wickham, a proven co-operative leader with over 34 years at Fonterra creating value for farmer shareholders, has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer at Ballance Agri-Nutrients (Ballance).

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Ballance introduces new Diversity and Inclusion policies, building on its previous leadership in safety and wellbeing. Find out more

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Fernside dairy farmer Julie Bradshaw has reduced her herd size by 15 cows while maintaining the same milk production levels using genomic information provided by Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) that enables her to make informed decisions about which animals to retain for long term genetic gain.

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Roscoe Taggart has reduced his use of nitrogen fertiliser by approximately 80 kilograms this season through trialling a Yara N sensor on his family’s 730 hectare arable and sheep farm over the past two years. Roscoe is participating in Next Generation Farming; a project to help farmers meet tough nitrate caps while maintaining their viability. As part of this project, farmers like Roscoe are using innovation and demonstrating its productivity and environmental benefits to their neighbours in the region and beyond.

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In response to the devastation caused to rural communities by recent weather events through-out New Zealand, Ballance Agri-Nutrients is funding a comprehensive relief package to provide on the ground support.

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When LandWISE manager Dan Bloomer initiated a project to analyse how New Zealand asparagus growers use nitrogen and to come up with a good practice guide for the industry, he did not anticipate a season so difficult that some growers left their crops unharvested and were unable to contribute to the research.

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Cust dairy grazers Gary and Penny Robinson are anticipating a season of “data collection” after installing a subsurface drip irrigation system on an 18-hectare block of land which is part of a 260-hectare farm in Maniototo, Central Otago.

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Cust farmer Roscoe Taggart hopes to prove the benefits of using sensor-based nitrogen application on his farm as part of his drive to use more precision agriculture technology in his operation.

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Fernside dairy farmer Julie Bradshaw with Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) general manager of New Zealand markets Malcolm Ellis and one of her cows whose offspring was considered for LIC’s Sire Proving Scheme (SPS) breeding programme.

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Hiringa Energy and partner Ballance Agri-Nutrients are shocked and disappointed by Greenpeace Aotearoa’s decision to go to the Court of Appeal over the proposed Taranaki renewable energy to green hydrogen project, especially as Greenpeace supports green hydrogen projects throughout the world.

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients is pleased to advise that its first shipment of phosphate rock from Centrex subsidiary, Agriflex’s mine in Ardmore was loaded from the Port of Townsville on Monday, 5 December (World Soil Day).

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Ashburton father and son, Phillip and Paul Everest, supported by partners Jocelyn and Sarah Hayman respectively, are the new National Ambassadors for Sustainable Farming and Growing and the recipients of the Gordon Stephenson Trophy.

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Aerospread is joining the Super Air team, New Zealand’s leading fixed-wing aerial top-dressing business. By joining forces, the two companies can offer Hawkes Bay farmers and growers, one of North Island’s largest sheep and beef regions, an even higher level of service.

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The New Zealand Farm Environment Trust has announced the appointment of Sarah Harris to the role of General Manager. Harris has commenced the role this week and is based in the Manawatu. Sarah will bring to the Trust a strong background in agribusiness and a passion for environmental sustainability.

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients (Ballance) is calling on all aspiring tertiary students wanting a future in agriculture to apply for one of its four $4,000 scholarship.

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Ballance’s project to make green urea from hydrogen is one step closer, as the High Court has dismissed an appeal and upheld our consent.

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The winner of the 2022 Ahuwhenua Young Māori Award for sheep and beef is Chloe Butcher-Herries (Ngāti Mahanga, Waikato-Tainui), an Assistant Farm Manager at Newstead Farms in Puketapu, Napier.

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Entries are now open for the prestigious Ahuwhenua Trophy, Excellence in Māori Horticulture Award. The announcement was made by Barry O’Neil, President of Ahumāra Kai Aotearoa – Horticulture New Zealand, at the Horticulture New Zealand AGM held in Nelson this week.

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The New Zealand Farm Environment Trust-run awards are all about celebrating best practice, and sustainable farming and growing.

They celebrate farmer and grower achievement and showcase good practice, enabling the sharing of positive farming and growing stories with all audiences.

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Ballance’s ongoing strategy to focus on locally manufactured products is the key driver for the co-operatives strong 2022 financial year performance.

As a result of this solid performance, the Ballance Board, is pleased to announce a shareholder rebate of $30 per tonne.

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A strong focus on genetics and DNA has paid dividends for Fernside dairy farmer Julie Bradshaw with four of her cows being selected for Livestock Improvement Corporation’s (LIC’s) breeding programme.

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Investing in a handheld nitrogen tester and using variable rate nitrogen fertiliser has enabled Cust farmer Roscoe Taggart to significantly reduce the amount of fertiliser he applies to his family’s 730-hectare arable and sheep operation which has resulted in cost savings and environmental benefits.

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While Cust dairy grazers Gary and Penny Robinson are disappointed not to have collected the data they were hoping for from their subsurface drip irrigation trial due to a wet summer, the couple have established a baseline for the next irrigation season which they hope will follow a more normal weather pattern to enable data collection.

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Ballance is excited to announce that Dr Stuart Kay has accepted the role of Innovation Lead. Working with industry leaders is essential when developing future ready projects.

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Fernside dairy farmer Julie Bradshaw says sharing scientific data in a way that was easily understandable and useful for farmers helped create close bonds between landowners and NIWA scientists during a five-year joint co-innovation study.

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A wetter than usual irrigation season has hindered data collection efforts for Cust dairy grazers Gary and Penny Robinson. They had planned to collect data over the season from their subsurface irrigation system and compare this with traditional irrigation methods. However, the couple have still been able to prove the system’s water and power saving benefits on their two-hectare test block.

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Fernside dairy farmer Julie Bradshaw has applied learnings from a five-year National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) irrigation study to make science-based decisions while also using genetics to improve her herd with the overall goal of reducing the farm’s environmental footprint.

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Dairy Women’s Network has proudly partnered with SealesWinslow and AgriVantage to host four calf rearing workshops in June and July. Hear from industry experts about how proper care and nutrition for today’s calves can set tomorrow’s cows up for a lifetime of high performance.

Ballance with Nature

Farmers and growers throughout New Zealand are doing some incredible things to optimise their natural resources and protect them for generations to come.

We've been meeting farmers across the country, celebrating success stories and sharing ideas.

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May brings A New Zealand Food Story back to our screens and this year it is proudly brought to you by the Ballance Farm Environment Awards. The series follows award-winning chef Ben Bayley, owner of Auckland restaurant Ahi, visiting farmers and growers across New Zealand, celebrating what they do and telling a kiwi story through food.

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Ballance is a proud new sponsor of Meat the Need, which sees generous Kiwi farmers donate livestock, that is processed and delivered to foodbanks across New Zealand, helping feed families in need. We are thrilled to support this charity as they carry out incredible work in our communities.

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Our second special edition of Grow provides an update and information about ways the sector is responding to the Zero Carbon, Freshwater, and National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity regulations.

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Michele Kernahan has considerable experience leading large business, and brings a new set of complementary skills and knowledge to the Ballance Board.

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Ballance is offering a local solution for New Zealand’s trucking industry by increasing production of its AdBlue-certified GoClear diesel exhaust fluid.

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Nominations are once again open for the Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year Award, which sees women dedicated to the future of New Zealand’s dairy industry recognised and celebrated nationwide.

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Building has started on a new hub in Whangarei, phase two of more than $50m of investment into the Northland economy.

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Nominations are open for the 2022 Young Māori Sheep and Beef Farmer Competition which celebrates and recognises up and coming Māori farmers, and the exemplary mahi (work) they are doing in the sheep and beef sector.

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Winners of the inaugural 2021 science and technology fair award, fostering and supporting primary and secondary students’ interest in science and innovation.

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Summer is just around the corner, which means the popular and free learn to surf programme – Surfing for farmers is too. This Summer is poised to be bigger and better with 21 locations all around the motu (country).

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients is pleased to announce the appointment of Canterbury dairy and arable farmer, Cameron Henderson, to its Board of Directors, as the co-operative’s new South Island Ward representative.

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Entries are now open in the inaugural Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards which celebrate the people and technologies that make this country’s red meat sector world-leading.

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients (Ballance) has announced a nationwide programme of sponsorships intended to foster and celebrate scientific and innovative thinking among New Zealand primary and secondary school students.

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Overseer is the most widely used decision support tool in New Zealand farming with over 12,000 farmers using the tool to make informed nutrient management decisions. This includes understanding potential nutrient loss, supporting an outputs model focused on individual farm-systems.

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We’re proud of what we achieved together in FY21. Read about our highlights for the year, our annual results and how we’re tracking towards our sustainability goals in our Annual Report, which is now available to download.

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Entries for the competition are now open and Chair of the Ahuwhenua Trophy Management Committee which runs the competition, Nuku Hadfield, says it offers a unique opportunity for individual Māori farmers, trusts and incorporations to showcase their excellent farming enterprises to both Māori and the wider farming sector.

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We are looking for candidates that represent the diverse range of our shareholder to stand for the board.

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Ballance has delivered strong results and an increased customer rebate for the 2021 financial year, a result achieved by using innovation backed by science, to help farmers and growers adapt to changing consumer demands, environmental requirements, and government policies.

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“We are pleased to announce that we have appointed our first Associate Director, Will Grayling, into an 18-month role focused on building governance experience,” says Duncan Coull, Ballance Chair.

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The Primary Industry New Zealand (PINZ) Awards are all about acknowledging and celebrating teams, individuals and organisations that are leading the way towards a better future through investing in science, innovation and communities.

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Ballance is a proud sponsor of the New Zealand Farm Environment Trust's Round the Farm Table project. Round the Farm Table has been designed to promote the Ballance Farm Environment Awards, celebrate its success stories, attract future entrants and keep them top of mind in the industry.

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The Northland region has played a significant role in the success of New Zealand's primary sector, and we want this to continue long into the future.

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The winner of this year’s Ahuwhenua Trophy for the top Māori Dairy farm is Tataiwhetu Trust located in the Ruatoki Valley south of Whakatane.

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The winner of this year’s Ahuwhenua Young Māori Farmer Award for dairy is Quinn Morgan. Quinn is 26 and this is his first season of farming working as a Farm Assistant for Sam and Kate Moore on their 155ha farm in Otakiri near Whakatane

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Good soil fertility is critical for our agricultural economy. The Fertiliser Association of New Zealand welcomes the Ministry for the Environment’s recent report, which focuses on the importance of soil health to provide food and export production for New Zealand.

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Evan and Linda Potter, of Central Hawke's Bay hill country property, Waipapa, (sheep, beef and deer) are the new National Ambassadors for Sustainable Farming and Growing and the recipients of the Gordon Stephenson Trophy.

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Have you registered yet? Check out the conferences happening in Taupo, Ashburton and Queenstown.

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This special edition of GROW is about supporting farmers and growers to adjust to new regulations.

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Our research highlights the opportunity that most sheep and beef farmers have to optimise their phosphorus (P) levels to improve their productivity and profitability

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The BallanceEx Dinner Series is back for 2021 and kicking off in Northland on 16 February. Invites are being emailed out to our customers so keep an eye out in your inbox. We’d love you to join us!

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Government to co-fund Ballance’s $25 million Future Ready Farms programme. The Ministry for Primary Industries will invest more than $10 million into the five-year programme from the Sustainable Food & Fibre Futures (SFF Futures) fund.

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Helping farmers and growers take care of their mental health is as important to Ballance Agri-Nutrients as the health and safety of our own team, that’s why we are a founding partner of the Surfing for Farmers programme.

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Agrecovery is a rural recycling programme that allows farmers and growers to dispose of their unwanted agrichemical drums and containers, agrichemicals, seed, feed and fertiliser bags, and used motor oil.

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The finalists in the inaugural Ahuwhenua Young Māori Grower Award 2020 have been told that one of the big challenges facing Māori is increasing the number of young Māori into leadership roles in the horticultural sector.

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Dani Darke, one of six candidates vying for a spot on Ballance Agri-Nutrients Board of Directors, was announced as the successful North Ward candidate at the 2020 Annual shareholders meeting (AGM).


Make sure you have your say in the future performance of Ballance by voting in this year’s director election.

If you are registered to vote in Ward N and have received your voting paper, please follow this link to the voting site. You will be asked to enter your unique PIN and password found on your voting paper.

For assistance please phone the Election Helpline: 0800 666 935.


As a co-operative, supporting you and your community is at the centre of everything we do. You can read more about what we’ve achieved over the past year in our Annual Review here.

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This year Ballance shareholders will receive a $45/Tonne* rebate, which we hope, goes some of the way to recognise the value of what we’ve achieved together in the past year.

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients reputation and great farmer-led culture were just some of the reasons why Auckland based IT professional, David Healy, wanted to join the team.

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Farmers through-out New Zealand are facing feed shortages this winter going through to early spring. Extreme weather events, floods in the south and drought in the east and north, have had an impact on winter crops.

Ballance wanted to fill the gap by providing a series of free webinars sharing insights and knowledge from experts about the value of catch and cover crops

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Your annual Nutrient Summary and survey information is now available to view and download on your MyBallance account.

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There are parts of the country that have been dealing with devastating drought over the past few months, and while the rain may not be far away, the effects are ongoing and have been heart breaking for many.

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients Limited Chairman David Peacocke, is stepping down as a Director in September 2020 at the Annual Shareholders Meeting. Duncan Coull has been elected as the new Chair by the Board of Directors taking up the post after the ASM.

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients and Hiringa Energy welcome government support for a world-first green energy project

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Key micronutrients will finish your spring sown crop with a flourish.

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Phosphorus can be lost in a number of ways, all of which can affect profits.

“Phosphorus (P) is needed for plants to grow in New Zealand’s naturally P deficient soils, but too much P in waterways can cause excessive growth of aquatic plants and algal blooms”, says Ballance Innovation Leader, Dr Jamie Blennerhassett.

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Ballance is proud to be sponsoring this initiative that offers farmers and growers the opportunity to sustainably dispose of agrichemical containers, unwanted agrichemicals, used motor oil, seed and feed bags, and soft plastics like silage and bale wrap.

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Farmers and growers in 11 regions throughout New Zealand have an exciting opportunity to be part of the Ballance Farm Environment Awards (“BFEA”) with entries opening today.

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Growing your own conserved feed is one of the best options to meet a feed gap and supplement forage crops later in the season. However, it’s important to recognise the impact this has on your soil’s nutrient status.

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Leading farm nutrient supplier Ballance Agri-Nutrients will be investing in its Northland presence over the next four years to improve services to Northland farmers and growers.

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Using SpreadSmart technology, Waituhi Farms has improved the effectiveness of spreading fertiliser on the property as well as significantly reducing costs …..

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This can help give your clover a boost. Clover is well-known for its ability to fix nitrogen, but is also a valuable feed thanks to its high protein levels and accessible carbohydrates. Clover is palatable and easily digested and can help boost liveweight gains.

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New Zealand’s leading farm nutrient supplier, Ballance Agri-Nutrients, today announced a 25% lift in the Co-operative’s gross trading result to $71.3 million – reflecting current strength across much of the rural sector.

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When talking about management of winter feed it’s really important to look at the bigger picture. It’s crucial to have knowledge of your feed position with regard to pasture covers and stock condition in autumn.

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients’ has welcomed the release of a phosphate rock shipment from Port Elizabeth in South Africa – ending more than a year of uncertainty for the Co-operative’s supplier, ship charterer, insurers and other parties caught up in a legal claim over ownership of the cargo.

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New Zealand farmers have been quick to take to their keyboards and touchscreens to order and manage their nutrients online with the new MyBallance digital platform.

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Listen to Rural Exchange speak to the Innovation Leader for Ballance, Jamie Blennerhassett, about their exciting product PhaSedN.

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients’ today announced changes to its lead team that reinforce digitisation as core to the Co-operative and the future competitiveness of New Zealand farming. Chief Executive, Mark Wynne, says the creation of a new Chief Digital Officer role reflects a strategy to become a truly customer-centric organisation, with digital at the heart.

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Warwick Catto, science strategy manager for Ballance Agri-Nutrients shares some key elements that the BFEA are looking for - and hints that conventional farms can absolutely win.

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Take a listen to Environmental Management Specialist - Ian Power as he discusses Minimising Nitrogen Leaching.

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One little nutrient has the biggest impact on production and in some situations can be as critical as phosphorus, potassium or sulphur. Molybdenum is micronutrient and needed in the lowest quantities of all the micronutrients.

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Steve and Esther Miller saw huge potential in the rolling to steep land of the Otago sheep and beef property the family trust bought four years ago and with the help of a bit of fertiliser – including the micronutrient molybdenum (moly) – they have achieved incredible results.

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It’s a busy time of the year for crops and there is lots to manage from weed and pest control to fertiliser applications to maximise yields.

Listen in as experts Jamie Blennerhassett from Ballance and Andrew Miller from Farmlands discuss weed management, and some specific fertiliser advice for chicory, an increasingly popular crop.

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Senior Fonterra executive, Jason Minkhorst, has been confirmed as General Manager Sales for Ballance Agri-Nutrients, joining the farmer-owned Co-operative in early March 2018.

Jason is currently Director Farm Source Stores of Fonterra’s rural retail business, Farm Source, and has extensive commercial experience from more than 15 years in senior executive and governance roles in the dairy sector.

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Small inputs can make a big difference to your farm results.

Selenium (Se) is a micronutrient that is essential for animals. In many areas of New Zealand, improving selenium levels can improve stock fertility and growth rates. In a dairy context it can optimise milk production.

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Potassium is one of the four major macronutrients required for plant growth but it is regularly the first nutrient that will be dropped out of fertiliser recommendations when times are tough.

Jamie Blennerhassett, the Innovation Leader at Ballance Agri-Nutrients discusses with Rural Exchange, why this is a poor decision.

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New Zealand farmers’ use of the smart nitrogen product, SUSTAIN®, has topped 1 million tonnes since its launch – reflecting evolving practice and a growing preference for targeted nutrient solutions that are more effective, efficient and have better environmental performance.

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The gross trading result for the year ended 31 May 2017 was up $22 million to $56.8 million. An average Ballance shareholder will receive a distribution of $4,500 with payments from 28 July.

The mid-winter boost in cash flow will average up to $8,000 for farmers using a high-value product mix, with individual payments of more than $100,000 to the largest farming interests.

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients has today confirmed a support package for local farmers and the community, to help in the recovery from recent flooding around Edgecumbe and other areas of the Eastern Region affected by flooding.

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Ballance Agri-Nutrients is encouraging a focus on the potential impacts for the regional farming community as a result of the proposed Healthy Rivers/Wai Ora: Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change.

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In total we have awarded a total of $54,000 in tertiary study scholarships to six talented students who are committed to the future success of our primary industries sector.

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An award winning development in aerial topdressing is making it safer for pilots to navigate one of the world’s most dangerous professions while improving on-farm sustainability.

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Above average temperatures and rainfall are ideal conditions for the fungus which causes facial eczema to thrive. Spore production occurs when soil temperatures exceed 12 degrees for three consecutive nights and soil moisture is favourable or air conditions are humid.

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All Ballance Service Centres and Consignment Stores are operational following Monday’s earthquake. Our people are accounted for and safe. We’re thinking of those who have been affected by the earthquake.

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Political, economic and social instability in South America and North Africa is making it increasingly difficult for New Zealand farmers to get their hands on in-spec reactive phosphate rock (RPR).

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Safety, efficiency and sustainability are the key features of our new Huntly Service Centre, which promises to deliver faster service, better access and close-to-home convenience for local customers.

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On any given day you’ll find Scott Cameron advising his clients on matters of finance, sustainability, human resources, pasture management and more, with no two workdays being the same.

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Our Ballance contact centre has been acknowledged for their winning customer service, receiving an award for the best contact centre in the Retail Support Service industry.

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Dairy farmers who have been experiencing wet weather could be facing unexpected soil nutrient loss due to a common misconception about how urea fertiliser behaves when soils are moist from previous rainfall events.

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Jamie Blennerhassett has returned to his scientific roots, bringing with him commercial acumen honed at the helm of Nosh, to lead our innovation team at Ballance.

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An innate curiosity for ‘why things happen’ made Lincoln University PhD candidate Amy Whitley a natural fit for scientific research. Now she’s using that curiosity to improve New Zealand’s soils and raise the productivity of low fertility land in hill and high country areas.

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The Ballance scholarship programme is opening the door to our country’s best and brightest, offering a financial boost to students who want to help shape the future of one of New Zealand’s most important and profitable sectors.

Dani Darke has been re-elected as the Director for the North Ward and Jared Collie has been elected as Director for South Ward on the Board of Ballance Agri-Nutrients. Jared replaces Andrew Morrison who is stepping down at the co-operative’s 2023 annual meeting next week after more than twelve years on the Board.

Nominations are once again open for the Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year Award, which sees women dedicated to the future of New Zealand’s dairy industry recognised and celebrated.

For all media enquiries please contact:
Joanne Mahon
GM External Relations