Ballance with Nature

If the natural world is healthy, so too are the people. Taiao ora, Tangata ora

Ballance with Nature is our promise as your co-operative partner to ensure that we support you across seven key pillars to be future ready. It’s all about caring for and working with our natural resources, while remaining productive, guided by knowledge underpinned by science.

Farmers and growers throughout New Zealand are doing some incredible things to optimise their natural resources and protect them for generations to come.

Recently, we've been meeting farmers all across the country, celebrating success stories and sharing ideas, keep an eye out for Farmers Weekly or read more about the previous conversations below.

Ballance with Nature

With Nature Conversations

Your guide to transition feeding

New Zealand farmers are world leaders when it comes to animal care. We understand that in order to get the best from our animals, we’ve got to provide them with the best care.

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Your guide to healthy water

With the spotlight on healthy waterways, farmers and growers in New Zealand are finding innovative ways to ensure they are playing their part to keep our waterways clean and clear. In this issue, we meet a Rotorua dairy farming couple who have been involved in applied research into how detainment bunds* can improve water quality on farm.

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Your guide to nutrient efficiency

Good nutrient efficiency starts with taking advantage of what you already have in your farm system. Catch cropping is a great example of nutrient efficiency in action. Your soil is typically rich in nitrogen by the end of the winter feeding cycle, so by re-planting those areas with a suitable catch crop as quickly as possible, you can ‘catch’ that nitrogen before it leaches through the soil.

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Your guide to resource utilisation

Good resource utilisation is all about having a plan to get the best out of your land. How can you make the most of your farm’s natural resources, while protecting what makes our country special? Every farm has unique characteristics, and that brings unique challenges as well as opportunities.

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Your guide to healthy soil

Everything we grow and eat depends on healthy soil - our whenua. When we get the balance right, healthy soil grows healthy food, protects our water quality, and can even help to mitigate the impact of greenhouse gases.

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