Our Customer Service Promise

Delivering Excellent Customer Service

At Ballance we pride ourselves on the strong and trusting relationships we have built with our customers and are committed to continuing to grow and nurture these. We go a step further than just supplying fertiliser; we connect you with the very best farming advice, new technologies, rural communities, and everything in between.

Every time you visit a Ballance store we want you to feel this pride through the way we work, how we portray our values and through our site pride. Our Service Promise is a dedicated opportunity to celebrate our store’s mahi, own any learning and growth possibilities, care for our customers and grow collectively as a network.

We will never compromise safety to meet our service promise

Our Service Promise:

Bagged Product

Core product* is available now. Sourced product is available within 5 working days.

How we measure this:

  • 30 regional core bagged product* levels monitored.
  • Presented as a % of time stock level was above 10% of the designated store capacity.
Bulk Product

Core product* is available now. Sourced product is available within 2 working days.

How we measure this:

  • 10 regional core bulk product* levels monitored.
  • Presented as a % of time stock level was above 10% of the designated store capacity.
Reliable Store Hours

Service Centre hours can be found on the store gate and website.

How we measure this:

  • Measure Store hours open against advertised hours; and that Plant, Loader and Forklift were functional for this period.
Consistent Product Quality

Quality products fit for purpose.

How we measure this:

  • Measure the correct quality of product was sold. Chemical and Physical quality that enables consistent spreading and results.
  • Presented as a percentage of deliveries for the week.
Accurate Despatches

All orders despatched contain the correct product and volume, to within 1% of the order.

How we measure this:

  • Measure the correct product, amount and ratio was sold at the correct price.
  • Presented as a percentage of deliveries for the week.
Excellent Customer Service

A positive customer experience every time you visit.

How we measure this:

  • Site Pride Survey
  • Spreader Survey
  • Customer Feedback
  • Sales Customer Survey
  • Feeling Valued as a customer and Safe onsite.

How we are owning it

A customer centric supply chain that delivers on our promises and has true ownership of our performance. 

Our service promise will ensure: 

  • We always pause for Safety - Full support from our Senior Leadership Team. The Customers safety and anyone else on site come first.
  • Weekly focus on our Customer’s priorities – Making decisions with their priorities front of mind. 
  • Inter-department collaboration – driving clear communication, accurate regional strategy, supplying constructive feedback and sharing learnings across business. 
  • Transparency to Customer - It is not the drop in the service level that is remembered, it is how we handle it. 
  • Celebrate brave conversations – Supporting our team to proactively  communicate with Customers to prevent impact. 
  • Robust root cause investigation - driving data driven conversations and sharing learnings. 
  • Our Service Promise continues to evolve and improve. 
  • Instigate conversation with our customers, spreaders and carriers - seeking feedback to ensure we continue to provide what our Customer needs. 

We’re aiming to do more than just meet our service promise. We’ll keep a close eye on our performance, share how we’re doing with you, and take every chance to learn, improve, and be even better tomorrow.

We welcome your feedback, please talk to your Service Centre Manager or Nutrient Specialist. Or contact us here.

*Our list of core bulk and bag product can be found here