Annual meeting

The 69th Annual Shareholder Meeting for Ballance Agri-Nutrients Limited was held online on Wednesday 25 September 2024 at 5pm. You can view a recording of the meeting by clicking here.

We would like to congratulate Dacey Balle who was re-elected in the North Ward and Cameron Henderson who was re-elected in the South Ward. We also welcome Clement Chia who was elected to the Ballance Board, replacing Simon Robertson who steps down after seven years’ service.

As well as the general order of business, two resolutions were tabled at the Annual Meeting:

RESOLUTION 1: In accordance with sections 207P and 207S of the Companies Act 1993 (“Companies Act”) that:

(a)     Deloitte be and is hereby appointed as auditor (“Auditor”) of Ballance Agri-Nutrients Limited (“Company”) in respect of the Company’s financial year ending 31 May 2025; and

(b)    the board of the Company is authorised to fix the Auditor’s fees and expenses for that period, and any such fixing of fees and expenses be and is hereby approved and ratified.

RESOLUTION 2: As a special resolution in accordance with sections 32 and 106 of the Companies Act that the existing constitution of the Company is revoked, and the new constitution be adopted as the constitution of the Company with effect on and from the date of this resolution. 

A copy of the new proposed constitution can be viewed here.

All shareholders had the opportunity to vote on the resolutions via the Elections NZ online voting platform. The results of the resolutions were as follows: 


Resolution 1: Ordinary resolution passed with 99.24% support 

Resolution 2: Special resolution passed with 98.30% support