Ballance scholarships

For the last 20 years, Ballance has offered a number of scholarships valued at $4,000, per recipient for each year of study. This has been to provide a financial boost to students wanting to help shape the future of New Zealand’s agriculture industry. 

The scholarships have been used to help subsidise study at a tertiary level in any field related to agri-business or the primary sector - not limited to on-farm and farm advisory roles. There are a wealth of opportunities to shape the future of New Zealand’s food production across a range of professions including food science, through to patent law, accounting and chemical engineering.

Ballance Scholarship programme is on hold until further notice, however we remain committed to our current recipients completing tertiary education

Our current scholarship winners

Millie Higinbottom: Three Year Scholarship
Millie is an entrepreneur, determined to own her own farm one day. Millie is studying a Bachelor of Agricultural Commerce at Lincoln University and she believes the knowledge gained from her degree will be hugely beneficial in assisting her to run the most efficient, effective and productive systems. She is already putting her business skills to the test by running Hig Sisters’ Firewood, a firewood business with her sister.
Kimberley Simmons: Three Year Scholarship
Futuristic farming is top of mind for Kimberley. She is studying a Bachelor of Agricultural Commerce at Lincoln University and her passions lie in the scientific side of dairy farming. Kimberley hopes to use her degree to learn more advanced and modern methods that she can introduce to our farming system in the future.
Henry Guy: Three Year Scholarship
Henry’s superpower is in educating others on the importance of farming and agribusiness. He is a passionate advocate for the sector and will use his powers for good when studying a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Financial Engineering at the University of Canterbury. Henry believes there is strength in Māori agribusiness and their connection to the land and believes that great change can happen when we invest in understanding Māori culture and Tikanga.
Oliver Cayley: One Year Scholarship
Oliver is keen to go international! He is studying a Bachelor of Agribusiness at Massey University and he is drawn to international agribusiness. Oliver is thinking of our future generations by exploring the connections between New Zealand’s exports, meeting consumer demand and achieving sustainability. He believes that as we combat the climate crisis, living off the land will become even more important, so he is keen to help lead the way with meeting both efficiency and sustainability with our farmers.
Patterson Kelly: One Year Scholarship
Patterson's love for the outdoors and science means a career in the primary industry is a natural fit for him. He is studying a Diploma in Horticulture Management at Lincoln University and he wants to use his scientific mind and practical curiosity to help grow and provide innovative ideas to New Zealand's primary sector.
Cameron Walker: One Year Scholarship
Cameron is an outdoor enthusiast who has a long list of sporting achievements. Cameron is keen to take this sporting energy and channel it into the primary sector and positively contribute to his local communities. He is studying a Bachelor of Commerce (Agriculture and Professional Accounting) at Lincoln University and after completing his degree he is wanting use the knowledge he has gained from his qualification to help promote and achieve sustainably in the agricultural industry.