20% Potash Sulphur Super
Potassic sulphur super products are suitable for use in a wide range of pastoral situations. The potassium is supplied by muriate of potash, so these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

Super supports faster plant and pasture growth, by providing rapidly available phosphorus and sulphur - the two nutrients New Zealand soil is naturally deficient in.

15% Potash Sulphur Super
Potassic sulphur super products are suitable for use in a wide range of pastoral situations. The potassium is supplied by muriate of potash, so these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

SustaiN 15K
SustaiN 15K is a blend of SustaiN and muriate of potash, designed for use when you need to boost growth and replenish potassium levels at the same time. It is particularly suited to soils prone to potassium leaching, e.g. pumice, sands and coarse-textured soils. Use late spring and summer to promote clover health and extend production. It is also ideal for hay and silage paddocks to promote recovery after harvest or for dairy farms with high potassium requirements that require multiple applications.

SustaiN 25K
SustaiN 25K is a blend of SustaiN and muriate of potash, designed for use when you need to boost growth and replenish potassium levels at the same time. It is particularly suited to soils prone to potassium leaching, e.g. pumice, sands and coarse-textured soils. Use late spring and summer to promote clover health and extend production. It is also ideal for hay and silage paddocks to promote recovery after harvest or for dairy farms with high potassium requirements that require multiple applications. This is an ideal product to apply to lift potassium levels as part of a wider fertiliser programme.

SustaiN supports pasture and crop growth by keeping more nitrogen where it’s needed – in the soil. Coated in a patented nitrogen stabliliser called AGROTAIN®, SustaiN reduces the amount of nitrogen lost to the atmosphere by around 50%, when compared to standard urea.

SustaiN 20K
SustaiN 20K is a blend of SustaiN and muriate of potash, designed for use when you need to boost growth and replenish potassium levels at the same time. It is particularly suited to soils prone to potassium leaching, e.g. pumice, sands and coarse-textured soils. Use late spring and summer to promote clover health and extend production. It is also ideal for hay and silage paddocks to promote recovery after harvest or for dairy farms with high potassium requirements that require multiple applications.

Cropzeal 15P
Cropzeal 15P contains soluble phosphate and nitrogen in the ammonium form. It is suitable for crops where soil Olsen P levels are low (less than 15 in the top 150 mm), especially if the crops are shallow-rooted brassicas such as turnips and swedes. It is also ideal when the starter fertiliser needs to be low in sulphur, e.g. when brassicas are being grown in soils with low sulphur availability - adding sulphur in this situation promotes the formation of SMCOs.

Cropzeal 16N
Cropzeal 16N contains soluble phosphate, ammonium nitrogen and soluble sulphate. It is suitable for use on soils with an Olsen P greater than 15. This is a general-purpose starter fertiliser that is ideal for use when sowing cereal crops, and also when establishing new pastures.

Sulphurgain 30S
Sulphurgain 30S is a good choice if you are looking for a fertiliser to meet sulphur requirements in situations where phosphorus is not limiting production,or where relatively low rates of phosphorus are required.

Sulphurgain 20S
Sulphurgain 20S is a good choice for farms where light rates of phosphorus are required in addition to immediate and long-term sulphur. Since Sulphurgain 20S contains equal amounts of elemental and sulphate sulphur, it provides both immediately available sulphur and a longer-lasting source of sulphur to support future pasture growth.

30% Potash Sulphur Super
Potassic sulphur super products are suitable for use in a wide range of pastoral situations, and are particularly beneficial for replacing potassium that has been removed when crops have been harvested.

Cropzeal 20N
Cropzeal 20N contains soluble phosphate and soluble sulphate, and nitrogen in the ammonium form. It is a general-purpose cropping fertiliser that is suitable for use on soils with an Olsen P less than 15. It is designed for use on soils that do not need the addition of potassium. It may be used for cereals and for pastoral application.

Nrich Urea
Nrich is Ballance's own urea blend, either made right here in New Zealand at the ammonia-urea manufacturing plant in Kapuni, or sourced from quality suppliers overseas. Regardless of its source, Nrich Urea comprises hard, evenly sized, smooth granules for easy spreading.

Serpentine Super 7K
Serpentine Super 7K is blended with muriate of potash to create a general-purpose maintenance fertiliser that is ideal for use in a range of pastoral situations. The high proportion of citric acid-soluble phosphate in these products make them useful in conditions where phosphate run-off is a concern. The use of muriate of potash means these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

Pasturemag is a convenient granular fertiliser that contains all five major plant nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (blended to your requirements), sulphur and magnesium, plus calcium for plant and animal health.

DAP Sulphur Super
DAP Sulphur Super delivers nitrogen, water-soluble phosphate and both sulphate sulphur and elemental sulphur. It is suitable for use as a maintenance fertiliser, for application in spring or early autumn. The phosphorus and sulphur help to replace nutrients removed by farming activities, and the nitrogen boosts pasture growth to meet stock needs.

Pasturemag 15K
Pasturemag 15K is a unique fertiliser offering nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, and magnesium, plus calcium for plant and animal health. The inclusion of potassium is suited to autumn and spring application allowing maintenance potassium requirements to be addressed. Great for hay or silage paddocks post harvest espcially where a second cut is required.

Pasturemag Hay & Silage
Pasturemag Hay & Silage is a unique fertiliser offering nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, and magnesium, plus calcium for plant and animal health. This product has been developed specifically to match the nutrient removal rates of hay and silage crops. Application is best once a crop has been harvested.

DAP - Di Ammonium Phosphate
DAP is the abbreviation for di-ammonium phosphate, a widely used fertiliser that is manufactured overseas and imported into New Zealand. DAP is made by reacting phosphoric acid with ammonia under controlled conditions. The resulting material is granulated and sieved to produce a consistent product that has many applications in pastoral and arable farming.

Pasturemag 10K
Pasturemag 10K is a unique fertiliser offering nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, and magnesium, plus calcium for plant and animal health. The inclusion of potassium is suited to autumn and spring application allowing maintenance potassium requirements to be addressed.

Serpentine Super 5K
Serpentine Super 5K is blended with muriate of potash to create a general-purpose maintenance fertiliser that is ideal for use in a range of pastoral situations. The high proportion of citric acid-soluble phosphate in these products make them useful in conditions where phosphate run-off is a concern. The use of muriate of potash means these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

Sulphurgain 15S
Address the immediate sulphur needs of your pasture with Sulphurgain 15S. Combining sulphate sulphur and elemental sulphur, Sulphurgain 15S provides both rapidly available sulphur for your pasture, as well as longer term sulphur to support future grass growth.

20% Pot DAP Sulphur Super
20% Potash DAP Sulphur Super delivers the key macro-nutrients needed to support healthy pastures. It is suitable for use as a maintenance fertiliser, for application in spring or early autumn. The phosphorus, sulphur and potassium help to replace nutrients removed by farming activities, and the nitrogen boosts pasture growth to meet stock needs.

Sulphurgain 90S
Sulphurgain 90S is a high-quality fertiliser supplying fine elemental sulphur. It has been formulated for use in combination with other fertilisers. As part of a blend, Sulphurgain 90S is particularly suited to use on hill country farms, and may be applied at any time of the year. It is safe to apply by air, provided the appropriate guidelines are followed.

Serpentine Super 15K
Serpentine Super 15K is blended with muriate of potash to create a general-purpose maintenance fertiliser that is ideal for use in a range of pastoral situations. The high proportion of citric acid-soluble phosphate in these products make them useful in conditions where phosphate run-off is a concern. The use of muriate of potash means these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

Super 7K
Super 7K provides the phosphorus, sulphur and potassium removed by pastures and crops during their growth cycle. As Super 7K contains muriate of potash, it is not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

Serpentine Super 25K
Serpentine Super 25K is blended with muriate of potash to create a general-purpose maintenance fertiliser that is ideal for use in a range of pastoral situations. The high proportion of citric acid-soluble phosphate in these products make them useful in conditions where phosphate run-off is a concern. The use of muriate of potash means these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

YaraBela CAN
YaraBela CAN is calcium ammonium nitrate, a fast-acting granular fertiliser ideally suited for use in intensive cropping situations, horticulture and orchards, where crop yield and quality are of paramount concern.

Kieserite Granular
Kieserite Granular is an excellent source of fast-release magnesium and sulphur, both of which are present in their water-soluble form. Kieserite Granular is particularly useful in alleviating acute magnesium deficiencies in high-value crops, for example, horticultural crops.

Serpentine Super 10K
Serpentine Super 10K is blended with muriate of potash to create a general-purpose maintenance fertiliser that is ideal for use in a range of pastoral situations. The high proportion of citric acid-soluble phosphate in these products make them useful in conditions where phosphate run-off is a concern. The use of muriate of potash means these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

Pasturemag 12N
Pasturemag 12N is a unique fertiliser offering nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, and magnesium, plus calcium for plant and animal health. The high level of nitrogen will help boost pastures to give you extra feed when you need it. Pasturemag 12N is also a great product for maintenance use, delivering all the essential elements, including magnesium. It is suitable for autumn and spring application.

YaraMila 12-10-10
YaraMila 12-10-10 is a high-quality compound fertiliser containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, along with smaller quantities of sulphur, magnesium, iron and zinc. It is an ideal starter fertiliser for a range of horticultural and arable crops, and is commonly used to get maize crops off to a good start.
PhaSedN is a premium combination of SustaiN, fine elemental sulphur and fine lime. PhaSedN is a unique autumn fertiliser that boosts pasture growth on either side of winter. The SustaiN provides nitrogen for an immediate autumn boost while the fine elemental sulphur remains in the soil over winter and releases in early spring to support growth at a key time of year. Ideal for low sulphur soils, high rainfall areas where there’s a risk of sulphur leaching, areas high in phosphate but low in sulphur and nitrogen or effluent blocks requiring tactical nitrogen and sulphur.

Super 25K
Super 25K provides the phosphorus, sulphur and potassium removed by pastures and crops during their growth cycle. It is particularly useful for post-harvest application to hay and silage paddocks, and for use on other crops, such as lucerne. As Super 25K contains muriate of potash, it is not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

Super 10K
Super10K provides the phosphorus, sulphur and potassium removed by pastures and crops during their growth cycle. As Super 10K contains muriate of potash, it is not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

Muriate Of Potash
Muriate of potash (also known as MOP, potash, or potassium chloride) is commonly used in pastoral farm settings to replace potassium removed from the soil, either by leaching or in product sold off farm. MOP is inert, and may be blended with virtually all other fertiliser products. It is not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops, so is used less frequently in the horticultural sector.
SustaiN Ammo 30N
SustaiN Ammo 30N is a blend of SustaiN and sulphate of ammonia (SOA). Formulated to support pasture growth by providing both nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S), in ratios that are frequently required in New Zealand farming situations. SustaiN Ammo is ideal for use in late winter or early spring on pastures or crops that might be limited by a sulphur deficiency and where nitrogen is also required. The sulphate sulphur in SustaiN Ammo is readily available for plant uptake.
** This product is not currently available in bags in the North Island**

Triple Super
Triple superphosphate delivers a high quantity of water-soluble phosphate, which makes it ideal for use when you need to rapidly raise soil phosphate levels. It is suitable for use as a drilling fertiliser.

Sulphate Of Potash
Sulphate of Potash is the most commonly used source of fertiliser potassium in the horticulture industry. It is chloride free, so can be safely used on crops that are chloride sensitive.

Pasturemag 5K
Pasturemag 5K is a unique fertiliser offering nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, and magnesium, plus calcium for plant and animal health. The inclusion of potassium is suited to autumn and spring application allowing maintenance potassium requirements to be addressed.

Super 5K
Super 5K provides the phosphorus, sulphur and potassium removed by pastures and crops during their growth cycle. As Super 5K contains muriate of potash, it is not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

Nrich SOA
Nrich SOA is a widely used fertiliser that is manufactured overseas and imported into New Zealand. Nrich SOA is frequently used alone, but it may be blended with non-reactive fertilisers, e.g. Nrich Urea, MOP, DAP and Serpentine Super. It must not be blended with lime, dicalcics or dolomite, as there is a risk of ammonia gas being produced.

YaraMila Complex
YaraMila Complex is a complete, balanced package of plant nutrients presented in an easy-to-handle prilled form. All the nutrients in YaraMila Complex are present in equal quantities in every prill, so there is no risk of uneven application or segregation. As a result, crop growth is more uniform. YaraMila Complex is typically used in high-value horticultural crops.

PhaSedN Quick Start
PhaSedN Quick Starts unique formulation contains SustaiN, fine elemental sulphur and sulphate of ammonia. Apply late May through to September to cover nitrogen and sulphur needs for winter and early spring. The nitrogen and sulphate-sulphur gives your pasture an immediate boost, while the slow release fine elemental sulphur provides a long-term sulphur source to ensure a high quality supply of pasture. Ideal for low sulphur soils, high rainfall areas where there’s risk of sulphur leaching over winter, areas high in phosphate but low in sulphur and nitrogen or effluent blocks requiring tactical nitrogen and sulphur.

Serpentine Super
Serpentine Super is a magnesium-fortified superphosphate product, manufactured at our Mount Maunganui and Awarua plants. The phosphorus, sulphur and magnesium that it contains are readily available to plants, and the product is free of residual acid, which makes it suitable for use when fertiliser needs to be sown "down the spout" with seed.

Super 15K
Super 15K provides the phosphorus, sulphur and potassium removed by pastures and crops during their growth cycle. It is particularly useful for post-harvest application to hay and silage paddocks, and for use on other crops, such as lucerne. As Super 15K contains muriate of potash, it is not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.
SustaiN Ammo 36N
SustaiN Ammo 36N is a blend of SustaiN and sulphate of ammonia (SOA). Formulated to support pasture growth by providing both nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S), in ratios that are frequently required in New Zealand farming situations. SustaiN Ammo is ideal for use in late winter or early spring on pastures or crops that might be limited by a sulphur deficiency and where nitrogen is also required. The sulphate sulphur in SustaiN Ammo is readily available for plant uptake. ** This product is not currently available in bags in the North Island**

YaraMila Actyva S 15-7-12.5
YaraMila Actyva S is a high-quality compound fertiliser. With high concentrations of the key macro-nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, YaraMila Actyva S makes an ideal fertiliser for a range of arable (Wheat and Barley) and forage crops. The inclusion of sulphur, magnesium and three trace elements (boron, manganese and zinc) helps provide additional nutritional support for these crops.

Calmag - Granulated
Granulated Calmag is a superior, fertiliser-grade calcined magnesite suitable for use in pastoral systems, in both maintenance and capital applications. It may also be used in horticultural and arable systems, but is not suitable for rapidly remedying acute magnesium deficiencies, as it is considered a slow-release fertiliser.
It comprises consistently sized, spherical granules, which give it excellent spreading and physical compatibility characteristics.

NutriMax Cobalt 10%
Adequate pasture levels of cobalt are essential to meet the needs of grazing stock, particularly young stock which are most susceptible to deficiency. Correct levels of cobalt ensure healthy appetites and good liveweight gains, ensuring production milestones are met.

NutriMax Copper 25%
Copper is an essential micronutrient for both plants and animals. Healthy levels of copper ensure natural growth rates and colouration in plants. In animals, copper promotes joint health, bone strength, immunity to diseases and is particularly important for young rapidly growing cattle.

NutriMax Selenium 1%
Selenium is an essential micronutrient for animals.

Advantage SOA
High quality sulphate of ammonia (SOA) that is more compatible with other products, and has improved granule characteristics and consistency (ballistics and drilling properties) as required for horticultural and arable usage.

Advantage Cropzeal 16N
A high quality general purpose blended fertiliser that offers balanced NPKS nutrition. Typically used as a starter fertiliser for cereals and regrassing, or in maintenance nutrient applications for drystock farms.

Advantage Cropzeal 20N
A high quality general purpose blended fertiliser that offers balanced NPKS nutrition. Typically used as a starter fertiliser for cereals and regrassing, or in maintenance nutrient applications for drystock farms.

Advantage CropAmmo
Contains N in two forms and readily available sulphate sulphur to drive yield, chlorophyll production and protein development.

NutriMax Molybdenum 1%
Molybdenum maximises the health and vigour of clover, an excellent source of high quality feed for stock. Ensuring adequate molybdenum will increase clover production and benefit overall pasture production.

Advantage Kiwi Post Flower
An easy-access, stable and high-quality blend with sulphur, magnesium, SOP and potassium. Important for carbohydrate manufacture, fruit firmess, fruit size and dry matter content.

Advantage Kiwi High P
Contains additional phosphate, that is kind to soil microbes and young plant roots. Supports quality fruit, plants, flowering and pollination. All K is chloride-free sulphate of potash.

Advantage Kiwi High K
Contains additional potassium to assist fruit firmness, size and dry matter content. All K is chloride-free sulphate of potash.

Advantage Kiwi Pre Flower
A compound fertiliser with chloride-free potassium. Contains zinc and boron, assisting pollen tube growth, fruit set and production.

Advantage Avogain
A chloride-free high quality fertiliser blend that provides balanced nuitrition (including essential trace elements) specific to the needs of optimum avocado production.

YaraMila Grower NZ
A low P compound fertiliser for use when soil P levels are high, to help manage environmental risk associated with excessive accumulation of soil P. Great for use in vegetable production, hops, kiwifruit and avocado side dressings, but versatile within a wide range of cropping programmes beyond these.

YaraLiva Nitrabor (Calcium Nit...
YaraLiva Nitrabor is a fast-acting calcium nitrate fertiliser especially formulated for crops requiring extra boron or for soils that are low in boron. It can be clearly distinguished from other nitrate grades by its light yellow colour. Every granule contains the same ratio of nitrogen and boron, ensuring even distribution through the crop. YaraLiva Nitrabor is best suited to high-value horticultural crops or situations where soil boron levels are low.

SurePhos (NI)
SurePhos is a slow release phosphorus fertiliser that gradually releases into the soil. This results in more phosphorus retained in the soil and less lost to the environment. It’s designed to help farmers reduce phosphate loss by up to 75%*, so it’s better for the soil, better for the environment, and better for the future of farming in New Zealand.

Nrich Ammo 30N
Nrich Ammo 30N has been specifically formulated to promote pasture growth by providing nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S), in ratios frequently required for New Zealand farming conditions. Nrich Ammo is perfect for use on spring pastures that might otherwise be deficient in sulphur.

Nrich Ammo 36N
Nrich Ammo 36N has been specifically formulated to support pasture growth by providing nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S), in proportions frequently required for New Zealand farming conditions. Nrich Ammo is perfect for use on spring pastures that might otherwise be limited by sulphur availability.

Nrich Liquid Urea 19N
Nrich Liquid Urea 19N is a liquid nitrogen fertiliser that provides a convenient way of applying nitrogen to crops or pastures. Produced by dissolving solid Nrich Urea in water under controlled conditions, Nrich Liquid Urea 19N is suitable for a wide range of farm types, including pastoral, arable and horticultural systems. Importantly, Nrich Liquid Urea 19N is a solution, not a suspension. This means that the urea is fully dissolved in the water and there is no particulate matter to clog nozzles or sprayers.

Pure Boron 10%
Boron is particularly important for brassicas, legumes, fruit and seed crop. It's essential for the healthy formation of new plant tissue and the storage quality of brassica bulb crops. This product is certified for use in organic farm systems.

Pure Selenium 1%
Selenium is an essential nutrient for animal health, however many areas of New Zealand have a deficiency. In many cases, improving selenium levels can improve stock fertility and optimise milk production. This product is certified for use in organic farm systems.

Advantage Kiwi Base
Contains additional magnesium, essential for photosynthesis, leaf health, carbohydrate manufacture, energy metabolism and plant growth regulation. All K is chloride-free sulphate of potash.

Advantage 8-11-20
Advantage 8-11-20 is a quality compound fertiliser. With high concentrations of the key macro-nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it’s an ideal starter fertiliser for a range of horticultural and arable crops.

NutriMax Iron 30%
Iron is necessary for the health and growth of plants and animals. Iron deficiency is rare in New Zealand and is mainly used on lawns in moss-control programmes.

NutriMax Zinc 23%
In plants zinc plays a role in functions such as protein synthesis, starch formation and seed production. In animals zinc is involved in protein and carbohydrate metabolism and therefore is important in a number of body functions. In New Zealand deficiencies in crops and livestock are rare.

NutriMax Manganese 32%
Manganese has a role in many important plant functions such as photosynthesis and is also needed for animal functions such as synthesis of cholesterol and glucose. Deficiency in grazing animals and pastures in New Zealand is rare.

NutriMax Boron 15%
Boron is particularly important for brassicas, legumes, fruit and seed crop. It's essential for the healthy formation of new plant tissue and the storage quality of brassica bulb crops.

Pure Sulphurgain 90S
Pure Sulphurgain is a high-quality fertiliser supplying fine elemental sulphur. It has been formulated for use in combination with other fertilisers.

Pure Sulphate of Potash
Sulphate of Potash is the most commonly used source of fertiliser potassium in the horticulture industry. It is chloride free, so can be safely used on crops that are chloride sensitive.

Pure Gypsum
Pure Gypsum is a slow-release source of sulphur and calcium which play a key role in improving soil structure, aeration and water retention.

Cropzeal Boron Boost
Cropzeal Boron Boost is a high-quality compound fertiliser imported into New Zealand by Ballance. Designed to meet the needs of a wide range of crops, Cropzeal Boron Boost is particularly suited for use in the forage brassica and Fodder Beet market, as it has been formulated to deliver the three nutrients most important for a high-yielding, healthy brassica crop - nitrogen, phosphorus and boron. It is a compound fertiliser, which means nutrients are distributed evenly through the crop, promoting better crop growth and health.

SurePhos (SI)
SurePhos is a slow release phosphorus fertiliser that gradually releases into the soil. This results in more phosphorus retained in the soil and less lost to the environment. It’s designed to help farmers reduce phosphate loss by up to 75%*, so it’s better for the soil, better for the environment, and better for the future of farming in New Zealand.

SuperN15 is designed to provide maintenance fertiliser requirements for P and S when applied over several applications, as well as provide the N required to support pasture growth where short term production gains are required, particularly in dairy systems.

Now you can combine your ideal ratio of nitrogen, phosphate and sulphur into one targeted application. SuperN has 3 popular blends to choose from, or create your own custom blend. It’s all about optimising nutrients to enable productivity, sustainably.

SuperN11 is designed to meet maintenance fertiliser requirements often encountered in New Zealand. It is ideal as a spring maintenance fertiliser on sheep and beef properties, or for multiple applications across the season on dairy properties.

SuperN6 is designed to provide capital P inputs alongside N inputs. It can be applied in a single or multiple applications.

Unika Plus (Pot Nitrate)
A high quality, easy to handle form of potassium nitrate. Provides nitrogen in the form of immediately available nitrate, in addition to chloride-free potassium. Suitable for high value bulb crops and orchard crops including kiwifruit and avocados.

Advantage Kiwi Pre Flower No P...
Advantage Pre-Flower No P is a quality fertiliser blend of chloride-free potassium, nitrogen, sulphur and magnesium, ideal for use when soil phosphate (P) fertility is high or when the crops P requirements has already been supplied in previous applications.

Nrich Liquid SOA
Nrich Liquid SOA is a liquid nitrogen and sulphur solution for use through irrigation systems and spray equipment. That provides a convenient way of applying nitrogen and sulphur to crops or pastures in one application.

Pure Dolomite
Pure Dolomite is a slow release magnesium and calcium source, that also provides liming value to offset natural soil acidification processes.

Advantage Boost
Advantage Boost is a low phosphate blend of key macronutrients that also contains boron and zinc; great for use in vegetable production and crop side-dressings where soil phosphate fertility is already adequate.

Advantage Complete
Advantage Complete is a general purpose crop fertiliser, providing a balanced blend of macronutrients as well as key trace elements (boron, zinc, manganese and iron) to maximise crop yield and quality.