Sulphurgain 90S

Sulphurgain 90S is a high-quality fertiliser supplying fine elemental sulphur. It has been formulated for use in combination with other fertilisers.

As part of a blend, Sulphurgain 90S is particularly suited to use on hill country farms, and may be applied at any time of the year. It is safe to apply by air, provided the appropriate guidelines are followed.

Product Benefits
  • Ideal for use in hill country, where fertiliser applications are made less than annually
  • Suitable for use on soils with low anion storage capacity and high rainfall
  • Supplies elemental sulphur, which provides protection from leaching losses
  • Consistent, evenly sized pellets make the product easy to handle
  • May be safely blended with a wide range of other fertilisers
  • Suitable for application by groundspread and aerial topdressing (provided blend guidelines are observed)
N 0.0
P 0.0
K 0.0
S 90.0
Mg 0.0
Ca 0.0

List price

$680.00/ T (ex GST)

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