
Achieve your maximum output with our superior fertiliser range.

Grid List
N 0.0
P 9.0
K 0.0
S 11.0
Mg 0.0
Ca 22.0

Super supports faster plant and pasture growth, by providing rapidly available phosphorus and sulphur - the two nutrients New Zealand soil is naturally deficient in.

N 0.0
P 8.1
K 5.0
S 9.9
Mg 0.0
Ca 19.8

Super 5K provides the phosphorus, sulphur and potassium removed by pastures and crops during their growth cycle.  As Super 5K contains muriate of potash, it is not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

N 0.0
P 4.5
K 25.0
S 5.5
Mg 0.0
Ca 11.0

Super 25K provides the phosphorus, sulphur and potassium removed by pastures and crops during their growth cycle. It is particularly useful for post-harvest application to hay and silage paddocks, and for use on other crops, such as lucerne. As Super 25K contains muriate of potash, it is not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

N 0.0
P 6.3
K 15.0
S 7.7
Mg 0.0
Ca 15.4

Super 15K provides the phosphorus, sulphur and potassium removed by pastures and crops during their growth cycle. It is particularly useful for post-harvest application to hay and silage paddocks, and for use on other crops, such as lucerne. As Super 15K contains muriate of potash, it is not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

N 0.0
P 7.2
K 10.0
S 8.8
Mg 0.0
Ca 17.6

Super10K provides the phosphorus, sulphur and potassium removed by pastures and crops during their growth cycle. As Super 10K contains muriate of potash, it is not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

N 0.0
P 7.65
K 7.5
S 9.35
Mg 0.0
Ca 18.7

Super 7K provides the phosphorus, sulphur and potassium removed by pastures and crops during their growth cycle. As Super 7K contains muriate of potash, it is not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

N 0.0
P 6.8
K 0.0
S 8.5
Mg 5.0
Ca 16.5

Serpentine Super is a magnesium-fortified superphosphate product, manufactured at our Mount Maunganui and Awarua plants. The phosphorus, sulphur and magnesium that it contains are readily available to plants, and the product is free of residual acid, which makes it suitable for use when fertiliser needs to be sown "down the spout" with seed. 

N 0.0
P 6.8
K 7.5
S 17.34
Mg 0.0
Ca 16.79

Potassic sulphur super products are suitable for use in a wide range of pastoral situations. The potassium is supplied by muriate of potash, so these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

N 0.0
P 6.4
K 10.0
S 16.32
Mg 0.0
Ca 15.8

Potassic sulphur super products are suitable for use in a wide range of pastoral situations. The potassium is supplied by muriate of potash, so these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

N 10.56
P 14.8
K 0.0
S 12.52
Mg 0.0
Ca 7.0

DAP Sulphur Super delivers nitrogen, water-soluble phosphate and both sulphate sulphur and elemental sulphur. It is suitable for use as a maintenance fertiliser, for application in spring or early autumn. The phosphorus and sulphur help to replace nutrients removed by farming activities, and the nitrogen boosts pasture growth to meet stock needs.

N 0.0
P 5.6
K 15.0
S 14.28
Mg 0.0
Ca 13.83

Potassic sulphur super products are suitable for use in a wide range of pastoral situations, and are particularly beneficial for replacing potassium that has been removed when crops have been harvested. 

N 0.0
P 5.78
K 7.5
S 7.23
Mg 4.25
Ca 14.03

Serpentine Super 7K is blended with muriate of potash to create a general-purpose maintenance fertiliser that is ideal for use in a range of pastoral situations. The high proportion of citric acid-soluble phosphate in these products make them useful in conditions where phosphate run-off is a concern. The use of muriate of potash means these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

N 0.0
P 6.12
K 5.0
S 7.65
Mg 4.5
Ca 14.85

Serpentine Super 5K is blended with muriate of potash to create a general-purpose maintenance fertiliser that is ideal for use in a range of pastoral situations. The high proportion of citric acid-soluble phosphate in these products make them useful in conditions where phosphate run-off is a concern. The use of muriate of potash means these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

N 0.0
P 4.76
K 15.0
S 5.95
Mg 3.5
Ca 11.55

Serpentine Super 15K is blended with muriate of potash to create a general-purpose maintenance fertiliser that is ideal for use in a range of pastoral situations. The high proportion of citric acid-soluble phosphate in these products make them useful in conditions where phosphate run-off is a concern. The use of muriate of potash means these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

N 0.0
P 3.4
K 25.0
S 4.25
Mg 2.5
Ca 8.25

Serpentine Super 25K is blended with muriate of potash to create a general-purpose maintenance fertiliser that is ideal for use in a range of pastoral situations. The high proportion of citric acid-soluble phosphate in these products make them useful in conditions where phosphate run-off is a concern. The use of muriate of potash means these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

N 0.0
P 5.44
K 10.0
S 6.8
Mg 4.0
Ca 13.2

Serpentine Super 10K is blended with muriate of potash to create a general-purpose maintenance fertiliser that is ideal for use in a range of pastoral situations. The high proportion of citric acid-soluble phosphate in these products make them useful in conditions where phosphate run-off is a concern. The use of muriate of potash means these products are not suitable for use on chloride-sensitive crops.

N 8.45
P 11.84
K 10.0
S 10.02
Mg 0.0
Ca 5.6

20% Potash DAP Sulphur Super delivers the key macro-nutrients needed to support healthy pastures. It is suitable for use as a maintenance fertiliser, for application in spring or early autumn. The phosphorus, sulphur and potassium help to replace nutrients removed by farming activities, and the nitrogen boosts pasture growth to meet stock needs.

N 0.0
P 19.6
K 0.0
S 0.0
Mg 0.0
Ca 13.0

Triple superphosphate delivers a high quantity of water-soluble phosphate, which makes it ideal for use when you need to rapidly raise soil phosphate levels. It is suitable for use as a drilling fertiliser.

N 20.5
P 0.0
K 0.0
S 23.0
Mg 0.0
Ca 0.0

Nrich SOA is a widely used fertiliser that is manufactured overseas and imported into New Zealand. Nrich SOA is frequently used alone, but it may be blended with non-reactive fertilisers, e.g. Nrich Urea, MOP, DAP and Serpentine Super. It must not be blended with lime, dicalcics or dolomite, as there is a risk of ammonia gas being produced.

N 14.75
P 6.03
K 0.0
S 7.37
Mg 0.42
Ca 14.74

SuperN15 is designed to provide maintenance fertiliser requirements for P and S when applied over several applications, as well as provide the N required to support pasture growth where short term production gains are required, particularly in dairy systems.