For faster plant and pasture growth, choose Super. This free-flowing, granular fertiliser promotes strong and healthy plant growth by providing rapidly available phosphorus and sulphur - the two nutrients New Zealand soil is naturally deficient in.

The soluble phosphorus and sulphur content of Super makes these minerals rapidly available for uptake by plants and pasture - usually within a week*.

Super is suitable for use in a wide range of pastoral situations and can be applied by aerial topdressing or ground spreading.

High quality and locally made

  • Manufactured in New Zealand, using local and imported ingredients
  • Fertmark registered, providing assurance of its quality.


  • Excellent value for money compared to imported compound fertiliser
  • Apply Super at 200kg/ha to 500kg/ha, depending on farm production
  • Qualifies for a rebate, as part of the Ballance Shareholding Scheme


  • Can be used on its own, or blended with a range of other fertilisers, including trace elements
  • Can be used as a maintenance fertiliser (applied annually to replace nutrient losses and introduce sulphur) or as a capital fertiliser (increase phosphorus levels)
  • Particularly useful in Spring when the amount of available sulphur in the soil is often low.

Directions for use

For more information about using Super for the best results, contact your Nutrient Specialist or the Ballance Customer Services team on 0800 222 090.


*Unless applied during a drought.

N 0.0
P 9.0
K 0.0
S 11.0
Mg 0.0
Ca 22.0

List price

$464.00/ T (ex GST)

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