Understanding Nitrogen on your farm


Nitrogen advice backed by science

Nitrogen plays an important role in New Zealand agriculture. Nitrogen fertiliser is used to increase the yield of pasture and crops, helping to fill the feed gaps that invariably arise during the year. When used appropriately, it is an effective addition to the nitrogen provided naturally by clovers and other legumes.

As part of our commitment to help farmers and growers farm sustainably, productively and profitably we have curated a selection of tools and advice guided by knowledge, underpinned by science to help you understand nitrogen use on your farm.

Nitrogen reporting
It’s important for all farmers to understand the 190 nitrogen cap rules and what it means for your farm. We've put together this information toolkit to help ensure your farm meets the new regulations.

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Nitrogen ROI Calculator

With just a few simple steps this calculator allows you to work out your Return on Investment (ROI), by comparing the cost and productivity of SustaiN to other forms of feed, to ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck.

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Nitrogen - the facts

Nitrogen fertiliser is used to increase the yield of pasture and crops, helping to fill the feed gaps that invariably arise during the year.

When used appropriately, it is an effective addition to the nitrogen provided naturally by clovers and other legumes.

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Nitrogen use planning

Nitrogen fertiliser is a valuable resource for most New Zealand pastoral farms, whether dairy or drystock. However, nitrogen fertiliser use is often reactive, rather than planned. This can result in its use being less than optimum.

Developing an annual plan for nitrogen fertiliser use will help maximise the gains from this valuable resource.

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Managing N loss

Nitrogen can be lost to the air as a gas or it can leach out to ground water.

There are five main factors that together govern how much nitrogen will be lost by leaching on any given farm. Find out more on what you can do to reduce N loss

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My Pasture Planner

Make every kilo of nitrogen count.

My Pasture Planner has been developed in collaboration with AgResearch to help you optimise your nitrogen use.

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Post drought N use

Most years, drought affects farmers in parts of New Zealand, causing problems with feed supply, productivity and profitability.

Nitrogen is commonly applied after the first rain fall, even though this rain may not be sufficient to elevate soil moisture levels in the long term. There is debate over whether this is the best course of action.

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Nitrogen on hill country

The principles that govern good practice for nitrogen application are equally valid on hill country.

Find out more about how to ensure that nitrogen is used effectively and efficiently on hill country

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